Inside Goring

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Inside Goring's boundary is one of contention. In the 1970s, Goring was seen as south of the railway line, and now people living north of Littlehampton Road feel that they live in Goring, as shown by their postcode. Goring, as a consequence is vast. People living between Goring and Ferring officially live in Goring too. We had to chose our boundaries and currently they include the sea to the south and Littlehampton Road to the north. East to west, Inside Goring is distributed between George V Avenue and The Boulevard to the east and up to but, not including, Sea Lane Ferring to the west.

Goring has a high proportion of retirees, with high levels of disposable income. It's a great area to retire to and very close to the sea. There are also pockets with residents facing economic challenge. Similar to Durrington, Goring does not have a wealth of restaurants and is therefore popular for distribution of menus by takeaways.

Goring is well served by local schools.