July 28th, 2022

Committee publishes annual report on its scrutiny of the Councils

Encouraging investment in Adur and Worthing’s coastline, ensuring the Councils are using their resources appropriately and monitoring how the community is being supported post-pandemic - have all been the subject of dedicated scrutiny sessions this year.

Adur & Worthing Councils’ Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee plays an important role in holding the Leaders, chief executive and cabinet members to account for their decisions.

Among the issues looked at by the committee in the last year have been how businesses in the night-time economies of Adur and Worthing are struggling to survive, a review of Adur Homes’ repairs and maintenance service and the performance of Worthing Theatres and Museum Trust.

The committee has questioned Council officers and cabinet members on the Councils’ financial positions, how they have changed and how policies are affecting them.

And it has looked in detail at the Councils’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic - and how this has helped Adur and Worthing residents and businesses to cope over the last year.

Details of the committee’s work is included in its 2021/22 annual report, which was approved by both Adur District Council and Worthing Borough Council this week.

Cllr Jon Roser, Worthing co-chair of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said: "Overview and scrutiny is a key part of our democratic process. The higher the degree of scrutiny to which the Councils are held can only enhance our local democracy.

“To that end I would like to thank both the councillors and members of the public who ask well researched and pertinent questions.” 

Cllr Joss Loader, the Adur co-chair of the committee, said: “Our residents expect the Councils to be held to account and it’s vital that the scrutiny function is open, transparent and robust. 

“We’ve scrutinised issues that strike a chord and resonate with our communities and we’ve had some great public engagement, but we are always looking at ways to encourage people to get more involved.”

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